Arthavaan Vol 6 Dec 2023 is available in print also

Volume 5 Special Issue November 2022

Emotions and Ethical Decision Making: Literature Review and Research Agenda

Dr Seema Gupta Associate Professor, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, 

Shreya Gupta, Management Trainee, Reliance Retail 



Traditionally,  ethical  decision  making  is  perceived  as  a  rational  and  cognitive  process  by academicians  and  researchers.  The  contemporary  authors  have  linked  emotions  to  ethical decision making (EDM) and integrated the concept with organisational decision-making in a business  setup.  This  literature  review  attempts  to  contribute  to  the  ongoing  discussion  on consumer  ethics  by  conducting  an  exhaustive  and  in-depth  analysis  of 32  papers  that  were published in 14 journals between the years 2001 and 2021. The objective of this conceptual paper  is  to  investigate  the  empirical  evidence  for  the  role  of  emotion  in  EDM  in  business organisations. Theoretical frameworks provide for the synthesis of the influence of emotions on the cognitive process, although reflections of the processing of emotions in the EDM process is not so clearly evident by practitioners in organisations.


Emotions, Ethical decision making, business ethics, organisational research


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