Arthavaan Vol 6 Dec 2023 is available in print also

Arthavaan, Vol 6, Issue 1, December 2023

Reviewing Technology Habits to Validate a Measurement Scale for Habitual Use of Voice Assistants

Palak Kanojia, Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi,

Prof. Ashish Chandra, Professor, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi


Purpose- Habitual behaviour is being studied from over a century in inter-disciplinary context. Advent of digital economy  has  disrupted  the  deep  rooted  habits  and formed newer ones in a short span of time. Information systems research attempts to study various dispositions and behavioural patterns of technology users. Theories of social sciences have stemmed into a new branch of study ‘Digital Psychology.’ Digital marketers are not just interested in observing the patterns of users but also in investigating why users are showing such patterns. Methodology-  A  two-step  approach  was  followed  to understand the changing paradigm of habitual use in context of technology. Firstly, a narrative review analysis of  habitual  use  of  technology  has  been  conducted to  explore  the  present  literature  and  the  underlying concepts  of  habit  formation.  Using  the  systematic review of literature, a content analysis of major theories is done in this study to evaluate the existing information system  research.  Various  measurement  scales  were compared for various dimensions. In the second study, a measurement scale was finalised comprising of multiple root constructs and it was tested for reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha. The six-item scale was validated by examining its relationship with frequency as single item measurement using Spearman’s correlation


habits, habitual use, technology, digital habits, review, test-retest reliability, scale validation


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