Arthavaan Vol 6 Dec 2023 is available in print also

Arthavaan, Vol 6, Issue 1, December 2023

Ethical Governance and CSR in Corporate Finance: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Companies from the IT, Pharmaceutical, and Banking Sectors

Renu Jain, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce Satyawati College (University of Delhi),

Dr. Amrinder Kaur, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College, University of Delhi, 


This paper delves into the intricate intersection of ethics, financial globalization, and stakeholder responsibility within the evolving landscape of corporate finance. As the dynamics of global markets continues to reshape the financial terrain, there arises a pressing need to reassess  traditional  frameworks  and  cultivate  a  new conceptualization  of  corporate  finance  that  places  a paramount  emphasis  on  ethical  considerations  and stakeholder engagement. This study explores the ethical dimensions of financial decision-making, the impact of globalized financial systems on corporate behavior. By examining  the  evolving  relationship  between  ethics, financial globalization, and stakeholder responsibility, this paper seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of how corporations can navigate the complex ethical challenges imposed by an interconnected and rapidly changing global financial environment


Ethics, Finance, Industry, Globalization


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