Arthavaan Vol 6 Dec 2023 is available in print also

Arthavaan, Vol 6, Issue 1, December 2023

Eco-Friendly HR for Sustainable Futures: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Exploration of Green Human Resource Management Practices

Dr. Savita Rastogi, Associate Professor, Jesus and Mary college, Commerce, University of Delhi,

Ms. Shivani Kishnani, Assistant Professor, Jesus and Mary college, Commerce, University of Delhi, 

Ms. Simona Dutta, Assistant Professor, Jesus and Mary college, Commerce, University of Delhi, 


This  research  paper  provides  a  comprehensive examination  of  the  challenges  and  opportunities associated with the implementation of Green Human Resource  Management  (GHRM)  practices  within organizations. The primary objective is to align human resource strategies with the United Nations’ sustainable development  goals  for  2030.  This  study  integrates descriptive  bibliometric  analysis,  data  visualization using VOSviewer software, and thematic analysis.The  findings  shed  light  on  various  challenges,  such as  employee  resistance,  knowledge  gaps,  limited resources,  cultural  disparities,  and  resistance  from top management. In response, the paper advocates for GHRM initiatives encompassing energy conservation, adoption  of  a  paperless  office,  water  conservation, green buildings, recycling, waste management, and the introduction of green incentives.The paper suggests that future studies could explore sector-specific or region-specific GHRM challenges, evaluate technological and policy  impacts,  and  investigate  the  interdisciplinary integration  of  GHRM  with  broader  sustainability frameworks.


COVID-19,  Green  Human  Resource Management,  Environmental  Sustainability,  HR Challenges, Green initiatives and Bibliometric analysis


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