Arthavaan Vol 6 Dec 2023 is available in print also

Arthavaan, Vol 6, Issue 1, December 2023

An Empirical Study on Factors Catalyzing the Rapid Growth of Online Buying since COVID-19 in Delhi

Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal, Assistant Professor, Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, University of Delhi, 

Dr. Shallu Khatri, Assistant Professor, Delhi College of Arts & Commerce,University of Delhi, 

Dr. Renu Aggarwal, Associate Professor, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi, 


The  novel  coronavirus  (COVID-19)  outbreak  is markedly tragic for the human kind all over the globe. It has affected the global economy. In Delhi, the changes brought  about  by  COVID-19  could  be  observed  in consumer’s  pattern  of  buying,  lifestyle  changes  and changed consumption preferences. This paper highlights the  factors  that  contribute  to  changes  in  consumer buying behavior from physical store to on-line buying. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors catalyzing the speedy growth of online buying in Delhi since  the  inception  of  COVID-19.  The  investigation categorically  focuses  on  reasons  as  why  consumers prefer online buying in comparison to in-store buying after the pandemic. The  present  study  was  conducted  between  October 2021-December 2022, using a structured questionnaire and data was collected through google forms. Primary data  was  collected  from  150  respondents  of  Delhi and  was  analyzed  using  descriptive  technique  and performing factor analysis. The results clearly show the increased online buying since  COVID-19  outbreak.  Through  factor  analysis, six  major  factors  were  found  to  be  affecting  the consumers to move towards online buying from in-store buying  .These  factors  are  Health  & Assured  output, Economic & Convenient, Delivery & Availability, Time utilization, Experience & Regional Products and this study is important for companies as well as individuals who adopt online medium for selling their goods and services. This research findings have implications for online retail marketing firms for developing strategies with a view to provide enhanced customer satisfaction and winning over the competitors.


COVID-19, online buying, factor analysis, catalyzing factors, changing trends, buying frequency


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